Alingsås, Piratfika

Location: Café Storken, Norra Strömg. 30
Start Time: 13:00
Date: 2009-06-21

Vi hade bland annat tänkt diskutera erfarenheter och tankar kring valet som var där vi Alingsås kommun lyckades komma upp till 6.96% för Piratpartiet!

Mattias Johansson KL2

Kommentarer skrev Two years later, right after the site went into stasis, I remembered the site address and I read through a majority of the 2008-10 pastas in a day.VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)

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dit :Bonjour Mam’s .Pour t’inscrire, il te suffit de mettre ton adresse email,dans la case au bas du site, valider.Tu vas recevoir un email dans ta boite email, tu cliques sur le bouton « confirmer le follow. »Et voili vloila, tu est abonné, tu recevras toutes le mises à jour par email.Sportivement, TaïBuddyATTENTION, REGARDE DANS TES SPAMS, COURRIERS INDÉSIRABLES, PEUT ETRE LE MAIL Y A ÉTÉ REDIRIGE?

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don’t over do it too soon, wishing you well with your appointment next month. some beautiful foliage colour and I like the way the colours and texture mix with the evergreen plants as well, when I lived down south in a clay area a friend had a beautiful beech hedge in her garden, I think some of the people who write books don’t know what they are talking about, imho, in the long shot photo of lights in your wood I love the way the horizontal acer echos the arch, Frances

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Kate WilsonI agree with you, Kristine! I think the it’s a pretty despicable thing for the site to do, although it sounds like the site lacks moral compass anyway. And I say good for Tim Tebow! I wish I had the kind of willpower and strength he does. He’s a great role model!

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